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  • Special Recognition Award

    2022 Special Recognition Awardee: Minority Ophthalmology Mentoring Program and Sponsors

    Awards Committee


    The Academy is honored to present the leadership and sponsors of the Minority Ophthalmology Mentoring program with the 2022 Special Recognition Award. This award recognizes individuals or organizations for their outstanding service in a specific effort or cause that improves the quality of eye care.

    Public health evidence reveals that access to care improves when the physician community reflects the population it serves. Although underrepresented minority groups in medicine comprise 30.7% of the U.S. population, they only make up 6% of practicing ophthalmologists. Since the official start of the Minority Ophthalmology Mentoring program in 2018, the Academy and AUPO have partnered together with the goal of increasing diversity in ophthalmology by helping students who are underrepresented minorities in medicine (URiM) become competitive ophthalmology residency applicants.

    Although it is still early in the program, so far 206 students from across the country have benefited from the program’s support. Although still early to have definitive results, 24 students have successfully matched into ophthalmology residencies with an anticipated 21 eligible to apply in the 2022-23 match cycle. Every year, more students apply to this program, and the rate of satisfaction is not only seen from survey results but knowing that the greatest source of new applicants are referred by the students themselves. In fact:

    • 90% of students indicate very high/high interest in ophthalmology after one or more years of continual participation in the program.
    • 89% have shadowed an ophthalmologist and 76% have participated or are currently participating in ophthalmic research projects.
    • 99% would recommend the program to a friend.

    A key to the success of the program is the one-on-one mentoring that students receive from ophthalmologists. The students access resources including webinars, exam preparatory materials and interview coaching. During Student Engagement Weekend at the Academy’s annual meeting, students are exposed to the many facets of ophthalmology and several networking opportunities. Every year, new opportunities are offered to address student needs. For example, this year students can receive stipend support for research projects, financial support for rotations away and coaching for match applicants.

    The program has received broad support not only from the Academy and the AUPO but also from member ophthalmologists who serve as the program’s leaders, mentors, speakers and champions at academic centers. The program is further supported financially by subspecialty societies and specialized interest groups, ophthalmic industry and by individual ophthalmologists. The Minority Ophthalmology Mentoring program’s leaders and sponsors’ enthusiastic efforts and dedication to securing the resources needed for the program are without a doubt at the root of empowering these students on their journey to becoming ophthalmologists. Drs. Keith Carter and Mildred Olivier will be accepting the award on behalf of the group.

    The American Academy of Ophthalmology is proud to recognize and honor the work that the leadership and many supporters of the Minority Ophthalmology Mentoring program have achieved to mark this first five-year milestone. We look forward to seeing further successes in the years to come.