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    Peripheral Iridotomy With a 22-Gauge Needle

    Cornea/External Disease

    Dr. Allen Eghrari and colleagues describe a low-cost technique for intraoperative peripheral iridotomy using a 1.5-inch 22-gauge needle (a 1-inch needle may also be used). The needle enters the eye superiorly, advances through the pupil, and exits the limbus inferiorly, making a patent peripheral iridotomy to prevent pupillary block. The needle can be loaded onto a syringe with lidocaine or viscoelastic to add additional chamber stability and comfort, as needed. In Dr. Eghrari's experience, this technique can minimize the risk of hyphema or pigment dispersion, and it can be conducted safely in phakic eyes. 

    Financial Disclosures: Dr. Allen Eghrari discloses financial relationships with Experio Health (Consultant/Advisor, Private Equity/Stock Holder); LuckyVision, Revivify Innovations (Private Equity/Stock Holder). Dr. Zainab Rustam discloses no financial relationships. Krystal Yearis discloses no financial relationships.