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    Management of Complications After Unapproved ‘Stem Cell’ Treatment

    Editors' Choice
    Cataract/Anterior Segment, Retina/Vitreous

    This surgical video shows how physicians treated complications following an unapproved “stem cell” treatment for dry AMD. After receiving a single intravitreal injection at an unregulated stem cell clinic, the patient presented with pain, elevated IOP and hand movement vision in both eyes. During the lensectomy, a portion of the lens prolapsed into the posterior cavity. As they performed a vitrectomy, Drs. Kuriyan and Townsend found vitreous hemorrhage and yellow fat globules, and 360° of hemorrhagic retinopathy. A vitrector was used to remove the fat globules and induce a posterior vitreous detachment. The remaining lens fragment was removed using a fragmatome, followed by a peripheral 360° shave with depression. IOP normalized and the patient’s pain was relieved, but she progressed to NLP bilaterally.