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    Crunch Detachment after Anti-VEGF Therapy for ROP

    AAO 2018
    Pediatric Ophth/Strabismus, Retina/Vitreous, Vitreoretinal Diseases

    In this AAO 2018 interview, Dr. Antonio Capone Jr. describes the diagnosis and surgical treatment of patients with crunch detachment after anti-VEGF therapy for retinopathy of prematurity (ROP). In his experience, older children are at a greater risk of crunch detachments because they typically have pre-existing fibrosis and an increased chance of abrupt contraction. Dr. Capone discusses 2 unique types of crunch—arcuate and prepaillary contraction—and how surgery may need to be adjusted for each. However, if a dry fold structure is observed, vitrectomy will not result in optimal relaxation and reattachment.

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