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  • Comprehensive Ophthalmology, Pediatric Ophth/Strabismus

    Review of: Pilot study comparing a new virtual reality-based visual field test to standard perimetry in children

    Mesfin Y, Kong A, Backus B, et al. Journal of the American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus, June 2024

    The Vivid Vision Perimetry (VVP) visual field test couples software with a virtual reality headset. This prospective case-control study tested the feasibility of the VVP test in a pediatric population.

    Study Design

    Twenty-three children (37 eyes) aged 7–18 years with glaucoma, glaucoma suspect, ocular hypertension, or craniopharyngioma who underwent standard Humphrey Visual Field (HVF) testing and then VVP testing were included in the study. All eyes had best-corrected visual acuity of 20/80 or better. The reliability of both tests was recorded and then participants were surveyed for satisfaction with the VVP test.


    The reliability of both the HVF and VVP tests was found to be 65%. There was moderate correlation between the HVF mean sensitivity and VVP fraction seen score. All patients preferred the VVP test over the HVF test, with 70% saying that they were “very satisfied’ with the VVP test.


    The VVP test does not have manufacturer-provided reliability metrics; therefore, the authors created a cutoff of ≤0.67 that reflected the patient seeing 2 out of 3 (or fewer) stimuli presenting to the blindspot. The patient population was small, with varying numbers of previous HVF tests.

    Clinical Significance

    More child-friendly measures may provide better ways of visual field testing. While the patients in this small study preferred the virtual reality headset software, the reliability of the testing (due to the lack of manufacturer-provided metrics) is difficult to compare one-to-one with standard HVF testing. In addition, the paper did not comment on whether the detection of different visual field defects by the instruments was comparable.

    Financial Disclosures: Dr. Brenda Bohnsack discloses no financial relationships.