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  • By US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
    Comprehensive Ophthalmology, Cornea/External Disease

    On May 30, the CDC reported that a third U.S. patient has been identified with the highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) A(H5) virus associated with an ongoing outbreak in dairy cows in the United States. This latest patient, the second in the state of Michigan, is the first to present with acute respiratory illness symptoms more typically associated with influenza virus infection; the previous 2 patients reported ocular symptoms only. All 3 patients had direct contact with infected cows (3 separate locations).

    There is no indication of person-to-person spread of the virus at this time, and the CDC’s assessment is that the risk remains low for the general public. However, people with close or prolonged exposure to potentially infected birds, cows, or other animals are at higher risk and should wear appropriate personal protective equipment and avoid unprotected direct physical contact with these animals.

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